sex ed, Sexuality

Why Masturbate Daily – 5 Reasons to Justify It

5 Reasons to masturbate daily

If you masturbate daily and yet you are worried a lot, you are just doing the wrong thing. Male masturbation is similar to a daily shower that keeps you fresh throughout the day. So, if you take some time to give your body a bit of pleasure, there is no harm in it and relatively good for you.

5 Important Reasons to Masturbate Daily

Here are the five reasons why it is high time that you take matters into your own hands for a better sex life.

Take a look:

Keeps Premature Ejaculation in control

Experts have found that men who suffer from premature ejaculation while having sex derive positive results from masturbation about a couple of hours before love-making. This instead results in intercourse of a longer duration before the next ejaculation knocks.

Averts Prostate Cancer

As per reports, men ejaculating over five times a week have one-third less chance of falling prey to prostate cancer. Your urogenital tract has certain disease-oriented toxins hidden, which get flushed out on being rubbed in the process of masturbation.

Makes You Stronger with Age

As you age, your muscle tone is naturally lost in the process, and the same goes for your penis. On having sex or masturbating regularly, your pelvic floor muscles work actively to prevent erectile dysfunction. Instead, you aim to go three to five times weekly for good results.

Betters Sperm Quality

Records say that masturbation makes your sperm quality better with time. When a man masturbates before intercourse, he releases residual sperm into the semen-transporting tubules. This leads to newer and better sperms that are released during intercourse. Further, this raises the chances of conception and adds to one’s health benefits as well.

Extends your time of action

It is always beneficial to keep track of how long it takes to orgasm. Suppose it takes two minutes for a solo the first time; try to exceed it a bit next time. You may even keep your stroke count, which will certainly keep you aware of whether you are doing it better with time.

On the basis of the above five points, it is clear that masturbation is not harmful for men, but excessive masturbation is not beneficial for their health. If someone is passionate about masturbation and wants to try it in different ways, then male masturbation toys are an excellent option for them.

In our online sex toys store, we have many options for masturbation that help to provide a pleasurable experience every time.

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