Welcome to kamadepot.com, our online store for sex toys in India. We bring you our delivery and return policies to keep your shopping experience smooth and hassle-free. Whether you purchase a product from our store or return a product to us, you must know, understand, and accept these to avoid any inconvenience in the long run.

We Take Up Queries for Wrong Products in 48 Hours

We would accept a return request for a wrong product sent from our end within 48 hours. No request will be taken after this period.

We Replace Products and Do Not Refund

The one requested by the customer will replace the wrong product. However, we will not refund the order amount.

We Don’t Accept Returns for Products Damaged by Customer

We accept return requests for products damaged on our behalf. No return request will be taken if the customer damages it.

To know more, email us at sales@kamadepot.com